Sheep Nations: It’s Time to Take the Nations

Book Review: Sheep Nations by Dr. Dominiquae Bierman

The Key for a Nation’s Revival is the Restoration of All Things!

God is dividing nations based on their stance toward His covenant people Israel. You can become a minister of the End time revival and lead your nation to repentance for dishonoring the Jews and Israel, one person at a time. God blesses those who bless Israel (Gen 12:3) and curses those who curse them. The question is: Are you blessing Israel?

Sheep Nations

How to Make your Nation a Sheep Nation

Discover the Key of Abraham and how it unlocks blessings for nations in God’s perspective. Learn to bring the first-century gospel from Israel to your nation and witness a movement of restoration. Remember, it only takes one or two in obedience to turn a nation around. It all starts here with Sheep Nations.

Embark on a Journey of Life-Changing Discovery

Learn how the Jewish roots of the faith bring divine wholeness and wellbeing based on ancient Hebrew scriptures. For your personal healing or to minister to those in need of spiritual, mental and physical healing and transformation.

Students enrolled at GRM Bible Institute also get FREE access to all the e-books by Dr. Dominiquae Bierman. Books such as The Healing Power of the Roots, Grafted In, Sheep Nations and many more.


What a time!

To be reading “SHEEP NATIONS” as the invisible killer coronavirus progressively sweeps across all the nations of the world.  Fear, anxiety and perplexity are gripping mankind.  Economies are crumbling.  People’s hearts are melted.  They are without money, starving and immobile.  Borders of countries are closed while hundreds of huge planes sit on tarmacs of empty international airports and huge ships dock at wharves.  Every news headline is about this virus.  Countries with advanced healthcare systems and humanity who thought they have solutions for all kinds of diseases and epidemics are helplessly in utter despair.  Never has anyone ever imagined a plaque would affect the world with such magnitude in the 21st century.

But nations have forgotten to take seriously the warning that there was a time YAH judged the nation of Egypt with ten (10) terrifying killer plaques for their cruelty and mistreatment of His Jewish people with harsh slavery; and for Pharaoh king of Egypt for not obeying the word of YAH “Let my People Go”.  The nation paid dearly with loss of thousands of lives (human beings and animals), diseases and health problems, fear, hunger, poverty and YAH economically plundered the Egyptians – transferring their wealth to His people [Exodus 3:22].

YAH will judge the nations by these two standards:

  • His eternal, unchanging, righteous Law;
  • By how the nations treat His Jewish people.

In Sheep Nations, Dr Bierman presents YAH’s message for the nations given to her in 2001 and teaches us with clarity what YAH’s Word is regarding the above two issues.  YAH desires all the nations to be blessed through the Abrahamic Covenant.  He chose Abraham to redeem mankind from the curse of Adam.  He wants His creation back to Himself so He sent Yeshua HaMasiach.  Yeshua came as fulfilment of Abrahamic Covenant, not to replace it.  He had to be born a Jew because the blessing of Genesis 12:3 [Key of Abraham] to the nations is only through Abraham and his descendants.  Therefore, the Messiah’s humanity has to be a Jew.

Yeshua taught the Torah and gave His Jewish Apostles the Great Commission to teach and “disciple” the nations, all the ethnic groups of the earth, and to teach them YAH’s righteous laws.  And when He returns: 

All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats” [Mathew 25:32]

How many sheep nations are there in the world today?  How many of the nations have adopted YAH’s Constitution as part of their national constitution?  How many nations have pro-Israel foreign policies and stand with Israel concerning her affairs and her right to existence on her covenant land free from terror?  The call is for dreaming sheep nations into existence and following through at the national scale to make nations become Sheep Nations.

The sombre history of Christianity tells that since the 4th Century when Constantine and the Gentile portion of the Church divorced the Church from its Jewish foundations, the Torah and YAH’s blessings, it has placed all nations under a curse as goat nations.  No one nation was willing to stand with Israel and the Jewish people, and give them comfort, food and shelter during the bloody massacres.  Christians (Lutherans and Catholics) undertook the holocaust, the Inquisitions, the Crusades and the pogroms.

Satan’s desire is to annihilate Israel, the human race and cause YAH to judge the nations by how they treat Israel, hate the Torah, His righteous laws and hate the Jewish people.  Since the 4th Century, Christianity has been the worst persecutor of the Jewish people.

Preaching the good news of Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, teaching YAH’s Torah and teaching the nations to love Him and His Jewish people is a matter of life and death to all nations of the earth.

We’re at the crossroads of time when the Biblical Prophetic Clock has been paused by the coronavirus plaque.  It is now ever critical that Christianity – the largest religion on earth with 2.34 billion people – return to the Gospel made in Zion.  It is the time for nations to repent for all the bad things done to Israel and the Jewish people.  A time for us to love them.  It is the time for nations to adopt the Constitution of Heaven, YAH righteous laws, as the “new normal”.

Key Points

1. A Visitation in Chile

Surely YAH does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” [Amos 3:7]

YAH revealed to His servant that He will judge the nations by these two standards:  (1)  His Eternal, Unchanging Righteous Law;  (2)  By how the nations treat His Jewish people.  Based on these criteria, all the nations of the earth are under a curse.  It is only a matter of time for manifestation [Isaiah 34:1-8; Genesis 12:3; Mathew 25:41].  I believe coronavirus plague is YAH’s curse for breaking his Dietary Laws.

“All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats” [Mathew 25:32].

Satan’s desire is to annihilate Israel, the human race and cause YAH to judge the nations by how they treat Israel, hate the Torah, His righteous laws and hate the Jewish people.  This plan has been institutionalized and implemented since the 4th Century.

YAH’s desire is to bring every nation into the way of The Blessings.  YAH desires that all nations learn the Torah.  YAH wants the knowledge of His glory to cover the earth like waters cover the sea.  He wants to see “righteousness exalts nations” [Proverbs 14:34] and He wants the earth He created to operate as He has originally intended.

2. Sheep Nations

Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession” [Psalms 2:8].

In these end-times, there is greater outpouring of YAH’s glory on entire nations.  Nations (Greek) ethnos, meaning ethnical or racial groups.  The spiritual strategy is leading nations into repentance of sins of omissions (what they did not do to help), commission (what they did to harm), against the Jewish people and the nation of Israel (Genesis 12:3)

We’re on borrowed time to teach nations YAH’s Commandments and His love for Israel.  Time to turn nations [ethnic groups and language groups] to become Sheep Nations.  Time for us make disciples of all nations, teaching YAH’s Torah and teaching the nations to love Him and His Jewish people is a matter of life and death to all nations of the earth.  [Mathew 28:18 – 20]

3. The Church Must Repent First

For the time has come for judgement to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the Gospel of God?”  [I Peter 4:17].

The Christian Church must repent first.  YAH has decreed judgement on all the nations of the earth for:

  • Breaking and teaching others to break YAH’s Torah and Holy Commandments;
  • For hating the Jews and teaching Replacement Theology and institutionalizing RT and anti-Semitism.

As the Biblical clock is ‘ticking’, He is warning the nations to repent.  Many modern-day teachers are teaching the wrong gospel of hatred towards the Roots of our faith.

Three elements of the Ark of the Covenant:

  • The Two Tablets of the Testimony – the Torah or Law;
  • The Jar of Manna – representing YAH’s grace;
  • The Rod of Aaron – the authority of priesthood.

We cannot just operate in grace and disregard the tablets of the Testimony nor the rod of Aaron.  The Torah (Truth) must be written in our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit (Jeremiah 31: 31-33).  That is the New Covenant that YAH made with the house of Israel.  Gentiles have access to the Covenant through Yeshua HaMasiach.  We join with the Jewish brethren in the New Covenant.

There is no such a thing as a “unique Gentile Church” or “unique Jewish Church”.  The one Church is grafted into the Olive Tree (Romans 11 and Revelation 21).  The Church need to return to its Original Identity.

An unrepentant proud Church cannot lead any nation into repentance.  It must begin with the Church.  We cannot teach nations to obey YAH’s commandments if we disobey them and teach others to do so.  Neither can we teach nations to love Israel if we do not love her or harbor anti-Semitism in our hearts.  When YAH sends a warning, it means His mercy is available to forgive (eg. Niniveh).

4. The Heavenly Constitution

Many nations shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of Adonai, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths”.  For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the Word of Adonai from Jerusalem” [Micah 4:2].

The only way to change nations from goat nations to sheep nations is by fulfilling the Great Commission by teaching YAH’s Commandments to the nations.  The Law of YAH goes forth from Zion (Jerusalem, Israel and through the Jewish people) and to all the nations of the earth.  It does not come from Rome!

The Torah is YAH’s Heavenly Constitution.  Since the beginning of time in Creation, YAH has always given Laws to mankind.  He gave Laws to Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and his sons all walked in those Laws.

Abraham already had and walked in YAH’s Laws.  YAH saying to Isaac “…in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed; because Abraham obeyed My voice and kept My charge, My commandments, My statutes, and my laws” [Genesis 26: 4-5].

Israel was an ethnic group in slavery for 400 years in Egypt.  They were the least – slaves – but when YAH took them out, He physically manifested Himself to them.  From the ten plagues to mighty signs and wonders, proving to them that He is YAH and He keeps His covenant with their forefathers.

When YAH physically gave them the institution and constitution of the Torah at Mt Sinai, Israel’s nationhood was formalized.  YAH’s Torah became the nation’s Constitution, and it is still today.

The Constitution was the prerequisite for possessing the land (Exodus 4). Their lives of success or failure, poverty or wealth, sickness or heath, in the land which they are going to possess will be determined by their obedience or disobedience to the Torah.  YAH set blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience (Deuteronomy 28) that are still very much in effect today.

YAH wrote the Laws to government them by His own finger of YAH on tablets of stone.  YAH’s Constitution transformed Israel into a great nation.

Yeshua confirmed that He did not come to abolish the Torah nor the Prophets but to fulfill them.  He came forth as a legislator to bring forth the Constitution to its full meaning and potential.  He commanded His disciples to teach the principles of this Constitution to others (the Great Commission Mathew 28:19).

Torah – the Word that rules and shapes the nations into greatness.  When we teach YAH’s commandments, we open the door of greatness to the nations.  What we sow, we reap.  As we lead people to greatness, we become great ourselves.

The Law proceeds from YAH to the nations, and His salvation (Yeshua).  First nations learn His law, His Torah.  They trust Him and establish His Torah as the nation’s Constitution, and then comes His salvation.  That was how salvation came to the Gentiles for the for the first time.  [Isaiah 51:4-8].

Entire nations and ethnic groups will shift into the position of salvation.  They will choose YAH’s Ten Commandments as their Constitution.  Adonai is looking for 10 men from every ethnic group or language of the nation on earth who are willing to learn the Ten Commandments and follow the Jews that follow the Jewish Messiah as the Bible says in Zechariah 8:23.

Ten is also the minimum number of righteous people that must be in a city for YAH to refrain from destroying the city (Genesis 18).  It is also the number of people that must be present for a prayer meeting.

5. The Key of Abraham

I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” [Genesis 12:3]

Abraham was a revolutionist.  He believed an unseen invisible God, cut off his family and cultural roots, forsook his gods and idols and undertook a journey of unknown faith to an unknown land.  He believed and obeyed the instructions, laws, precepts and statutes of this invisible God and he was called a righteous man.

The entire plan of YAH for the redemption of mankind flows through Abraham.  The obedience of one man rescued the whole world from the curse of The Fall.  Just as the disobedience of one man (Adam) led the world into curse.  Abraham’s obedience engaged the Creator into restoring the lost blessing to mankind.

The unknown land Canaan was later Israel.  YAH changed Abraham’s grandson Yacov to Israel.  The land of Israel is a Covenant land to Abraham and his descendants forever.  Boundary from the Nile River in Egypt to the Euphrates River in Iraq (Genesis 15:18).

In the midst of that land, an ancient city was chosen to become the seat of the Government of the nation of Israel and also the Throne of the God.  The Torah is the Constitution and institution that governed that.  (Jeremiah 3:17).  The city is Jerusalem.  The Temple Mount on which the Temple shall stand is the place for the Throne of YAH on earth.  The Law shall go forth from there.

Israel is the only nation that the God of the Universe has a Covenant with and the Covenant still stands today.  All the blessings to the Gentiles come through the people of Israel – descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Yacov.  YAH’s covenant is only with them and their descendants and those that:

  • Join in with Israel
  • Bless Israel

Geneis 12:3 is the KEY for YAH to bless the nations.  It has been lost for 1900 years but now it is being restored.  Only then can nations become Sheep Nations.  Israel is out Mother who gives us Messiah and the Torah.  Nations who take her lightly or disrespect her come under a curse.  The key of Abraham open nations to the blessings or lock nations out of the blessings and favor of YAH.

We are created in the very image of YAH and what we do carries enormous weight and consequences.  The devil has therefore deceived the Church into hating the commandments of YAH, by hating the Jews and by misinterpretations of the Scriptures.  One person in obedience can change entire nations.

6. Choosing the Blessing or the Curse

For thus says Adonai Tzva’ot ‘He sent me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you touches the apple of His eyes’” [Zechariah 2:8].

No nation shall be spared YAH’s judgement if they have touched, harmed, killed, taken lightly, disrespected or done bad things to Israel and opposed YAH’s eternal Covenants regarding her.

YAH has restored Israel to its land after 2000 years of persecution, exile and being scattered throughout the world.  No nation has ever recovered from such a long exile and so many attempts to destroy it.  A nation was born in a day.  Whoever touches her makes God very angry.

Many nations who have spoken and done things against Israel have suffered many of YAH’s plagues:  terrible disasters and epidemics.  Economies crashes.  Thousands of people die.  Closing of many borders.  Those who support the “Palestinian Cause” are judged by YAH.

China has spoken against Israel nor stood with her.  They have been the originator of virus after virus.  These viruses originate from pigs and other unclean animals like rats and bats that YAH forbids human consumption.  Breaking of YAH’s dietary laws.

7. Turning the Key of Abraham into Blessing Position

YAH desires all the nations to be blessed through the Abrahamic Covenant.  He chose Abraham to redeem mankind from the curse of Adam.  He wants His creation back to Himself so He sent Yeshua HaMasiach.  Yeshua came as fulfilment of Abrahamic Covenant, not to replace it.  He had to be born a Jew because the blessing of Genesis 12:3 [Key of Abraham] to the nations is only through Abraham and his descendants.  Therefore, the Messiah’s humanity has to be a Jew.

One of satan’s deception is denying the humanity of Yeshua and Him being the Jewish Messiah.  That is how the Gentile portion of the Church divorced from the Jewish roots in 325 AD and set up the alternate system called Christianity.  It divorced itself from the Blessing of Abraham.  If Jesus Christ is a gentile god then the promises of YAH is a lie.  There is no need for Abraham or the Jews.  YAH never lies!

All the pagan things like idol worship, pagan feasts being incorporated into the Church, making the Torah and YAH’s feasts obsolete, changing of times and seasons, removing YAH’s Shabbat, etc brought into Christianity were deception to cut off from the Jewish roots.

It effectively cut the Church off the Blessings.  Turning the Key of Abraham is crucial for great harvests of abundant blessings, greatness, and turning nations into Sheep Nations.  Any nation that will set the Torah of YAH as their righteous Constitutional Standard will be set on high and will become great.  The Ruach HaKodesh will write the Torah in the heart of her people.  By the grace of YAH, curses will be broken and individuals, families, churches and nations will be set free and enjoy the blessings of Abraham.

8. The Blessing of Abraham – Full Wages

And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed” [Genesis 12:3].

From the beginning, YAH desired man and woman to live in abundance in a pleasant atmosphere, surrounded by life, beauty provision.  But their disobedience removed them from that atmosphere to one where the ground has been cursed so they will have to work hard to eat by the sweat of their brows.

YAH chose Abraham to redeem mankind from the curse of Adam.  Yeshua came as fulfilment of Abrahamic Covenant.  He had to be born a Jew because the blessing of Genesis 12:3 [Key of Abraham] to the nations is only through Abraham and his descendants.  Yeshua came to restore us to that place.  He took upon Himself the entire curse that we deserve because of sin and disobedience.  He came to give us abundant life [John 10:10].

As we put our trust in Him and walk in obedience, He restores our souls, bodies, finances, families and it’s a total restoration package.  We receive a new Spirit.  The Holy Spirit writes His Torah in our hearts.  The love of YAH is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit so we learn to love others, forgive and love Israel and the Jewish people [Roman 5:5].

As nations, we stand with Israel and don’t manipulate her out of her inheritance which is YAH’s eternal Covenant with them.  We pray for the peace and well-being of Jerusalem and Israel.  We support Messianic movements with prayers and financial blessings.

YAH chose Abraham because He knew he would embrace His commandments and teach his children after Him.  For thousands of years, the Jewish people have kept the Torah and the ways of YAH.  No matter how they were killed and massacred for that, they defended the ways of YAH with their blood.

Any person or nation that chooses to:

  • Follow the way of Abraham;
  • Bless Israel and the Jews (descendants of Abraham).

Will be blessed, made whole and prosperous.  That is the principle of Blessing of Abraham!

The Story of Ruth

Ruth, a Moabite woman caring for old Naomi, a Jewish woman

Ruth Nations Become Sheep Nations

Ruth a gentile Moabite woman living under curse broke the curse by her love for Naomi her mother-in-law a Jewish woman.  She joined in with Israel and with Israel’s God and Torah.  Little did she know that she was setting the Key of Abraham in motion for the curse to be broken and she will be like any of Abraham’s descendants – a blessing to the nations.  She became the grandmother of David, a man after God’s own heart and the great king of Israel.  Her descendant is Yehsua, the Jewish Messiah.

YAH is calling Ruth Nations because Ruth Nations become Sheep Nations.  They enter into the full Blessing of Abraham and receive Full Wages and Full Rewards.  We are wild olive tree, need to be grafted into the Cultivated Olive Tree (Romans 11).

9. The Master’s Key for Greatness

Do not think that I came to destroy the Law of the Prophets.  I did not come to destroy but to fulfill.  For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title will by no means pass from the Law till all is fulfilled,  Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these Commandments, and teaches man so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven” [Mathew 5:17-19].

That is the Master’s Key for Greatness!

The 120 Apostles were in the Upper Room, on Shavuot, celebrating a divine appointment with YAH, were doing the Commandment (of the feast), studying the Torah and teaching it and in prayer and waiting upon YAH.  Greatness simply followed.  The Holy Spirit fell on them.

It is time to shake off mediocrity and “smallness” and become GREAT in the kingdom of YAH.  Time to shake off Nicene Creed, Replacement Theology and man-made Church doctrines.  YAH is calling us to greatness.

Had the Church been great, it would have risen up as Easter and stopped millions of Jews being killed.  It takes great people to have the boldness and courage to forbid wickedness.

TORAH is the missing piece of the Church puzzle.  It must now be restored.  YAH is pouring out His grace in the end times for Spirit-filled Jewish teachers, as well as Gentiles in the Nations to be empowered to teach the truth.  Blessed be YAH.

Millions upon millions of Jews have been killed in the name of Jesus Christ and the man-made religion called Christianity.  The rejection, diminishing, dismissal and hatred of Torah brings for forth evil and murder.

10. Dream Sheep Nations into Existence

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of YAH, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” [Hebrews 11:3]

Before YAH created the earth, there was great darkness and chaos.  YAH imagined an earth with light, vegetation, landform, the sea and all the beauty of it.  He then “spoke” what He imagined so what we see today was made from what is not seen [imagination].  Mankind is created in the image and likeness of YAH.  That means He has deposited in us that ability to imagine, dream and think things into existence.

YAH is love and His motivation for creation is love.  YAH loves us and desires us and all of creation with a longing and passion. So He dreamt about us and imagined us continually until we came to be.

The Spirit of Elohim – Ruach Elohim – is depicted in Hebrew in the female gender.  The Spirit was hovering over the darkness and chaos like a very protective mother that was nursing and protecting a very sick child until the child is healed.

Likewise, Ruach Elohim is hovering over this very sick world, over all the sick nations, protecting and watching over them.  First, the Spirit hovers and the Word comes in.  Just as in Creation.  The Word brings the dream into reality.  The Word and Spirit create!

So as we ask for nations (Psalms 2:8) let us imagine and dream about those nations becoming Sheep Nations.  Let us see nations through prophetic lenses as we’re motivated by the love of YAH and we seen the Spirit realm.  A baby – a Sheep Nation – is conceived. Water the dream with prayer and prophesy and make it stronger in us till it manifests.

Practical Applications

1. YAH’s Torah and Holy Commandments

It should begin with me!  People learn and judge by the observations of our conduct.  The most practical way of teaching others YAH’s Torah and Holy Commandments is for those of us who have come to know the truth should practically live a life of obedience, holiness as the Ruach HaKodesh writes the Torah in our hearts.  As we live a life of consecration and obedience, the Ruach HaKodesh will use us to draw people to us so we can teach them YAH’s Torah.

When we reach out to others through our acts of kindness and compassion, it opens the doors for us to teach them about YAH’s ways.  We can invite them to our local church where the Torah is taught and the manifestation and anointing of Ruach Elohim is to heal, save, deliver and restore.

A nation is made up of people.  If every one who has come to align themselves to the truth make an effort to teach his/her family, neighbor and those in their circle, I believe we can have as many people as possible who:

(1) Obey and teach others to obey YAH’s Torah and righteous Laws;
(2) Reject Replacement Theology and anti-Semitism;
(3) Love, respect and honor Israel as our Mother and the Jewish people as we’re grafted in to the Cultivated Olive Tree.

2. How the Nations Treat the Jewish People

This is where Biblical Politics comes in.  At the political level, it means we must have specific foreign policy towards Israel.  The policy must be pro-Israel.  Once these policies are institutionalized, no matter what Government changes, we will not make the mistake of voting against Israel in relation to YAH’s Covenant with her and bring curse upon our country.

PNG’s founding father Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare made a Covenant with Israel in 2007, acknowledging their God and ours.  We should go further to renew the Covenant to accept the YAH’s Heavenly Constitution, the Torah, as our Constitution, too.  It is incomplete when we only make Israel’s God our God but not following through with our actions in relation to His Commandment and Laws.

PNG paid dearly in 2018 for voting against Israel in November 2017.  The biggest earthquake happened in the region hosting oil and gas projects, causing billions of Kina damages and sending PNG into economic downturn.

A practical application would be to send Spirit-filled, Torah-observant Messianic believers into politics of this nation, and into Parliament.  Parliament is our legislature and that is where Laws and polices are made.  We need YAH-fearing people in there to ensure we don’t go against Israel and our Constitution is reviewed to ensure that if we are a Christian country then YAH’s Ten Commandments must be in our Constitution.

We must have both men and women in our Legislature because “it is not good that a man should be alone” in everything.  YAH can use women when men have wandered off YAH’s ways, just as He used Deborah as the Judge of Israel.  The leadership of Moses was [Moses + Aaron + Miriam].  In PNG, we don’t have Miriam in our highest legislature and political decision-making body.  No wonder we have so much problems.

3. A Ruth Nation

When we have as many individuals as possible having that spirit of Ruth and move into positions of influence, we can influence a nation to become a Ruth Nation, thus a Sheep Nation.  Those individuals are those that dream Sheep Nations into existence.  It’s not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of YAH, and by His grace, this is possible.  A greater revival is coming, when millions of Ruth break forth from the confines of Replacement Theology and turn nations into Sheep Nations.


The content of Sheep Nations really challenged me.  I thought about my own country Papua New Guinea, who is said to be a Christian country, does not have any foreign policy towards Israel.  At the UN in 2017, our Minister for Foreign Affairs voted against Israel.  Not even abstain but voted!  Then there is the Lutheran Church I came out from that teaches the wrong gospel.  So as the other Christian Churches.

I am deeply grateful for these Churches that YAH by His grace used as the institutions to save us.  But the Biblical clock is ticking away and the Shofar is calling us to return to the original Gospel from Zion and to YAH’s Torah and Constitution to guide our lives, and make our nation a Sheep Nation.

I think about why we profess to be a Christian nation when there is so much killings, rape, violence, corruption, bribery, cult, witchcraft and all the pagan things that goes on in this country.  I’ve been on my knees praying and interceding for YAH’s Mercy upon this land and my people.

I’ve began telling my family, who are very religious Lutherans, about YAH’s Laws, Shabbat, etc.  Even though they are not moved, that will not stop me.  This Truth that I now learn are too much, beautiful and powerful for me, that I really want to share with others.

I’ve decided I’ll use this blog to document my journey and share YAH’s truth with others seeking truth.  It is my prayer that Ruach HaKodesh will lead anyone seeking for the Truth to read my blog.  The blog also links to Dr Dominiquae Bierman’s Books and teachings.

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