The Oil and The Fire

Had a powerful Shabbat worship 15/06/24 at our Teshuvah Worship Centre this Shavuot. Eternally grateful to Abba YAH for the gift of life, the gift of health and for His abundance grace, mercy and His goodness that follows me all the days of my life (Psalms 23:6).

When the Church, as a institution, comes to a place of barrenness, and its womb is barren, its time for individual believers (an army) to rise up and be filled with the Holy Spirit to reclaim lost territories.

Be found with the oil so the fire of YAH can set us over nations and over kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant [Jeremiah 1:10].

YAH, help us to be with oil, and extra oil, for we are in tumultuous times!

Remember the parable of the 10 virgins in Mathew 25: 1-13. The five wise ones had oil whilst the foolish ones did not have oil, and they missed out on meeting their bridegrooms, and the kingdom of God.

To keep the fire of God burning in our lives, we must have oil. How does that happen? We must humble ourselves and come before YAH everyday in repentance or teshuvah, fear YAH and be obedient to His Laws and Commandments.

Obedience to YAH, that arises out of a healthy and loving fear of YAH, is better than sacrifice. Prayer, fasting and living in the Torah and righteous Laws of YAH keeps the oil flowing.

The Holy Spirit, the Holy Fire of YAH, sets us on fire for YAH when we have the oil.


Abba Yahweh, Creator God, my Redeemer and my Salvation. I repent before you for my sins in breaking Your righteous Laws and Commandments, and sinning against You in my words, deeds and in what I have failed to do. Forgive me.

Help me to like the 5 wise virgins whom You found to be with oil. Help me to be like the widow with a jar of oil that attracted your miracle of abundance. Help me always have oil so your fire can continually burn inside of me.

I thank you Abba, you are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love. You loved us with an everlasting love therefore you have continued your faithfulness to us.

In the Name of Yeshua I pray.

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